Black Jack's Metal Detectors
Mining Equipment, Low Pressure Dive, & Rock Shop!
Your place for Metal Detecting & Mining Equipment
101 Park Ave N,
Renton, WA. 98057
Store # 425-430-0290
Direct # 253-961-3095
Summer HOURS!
Tuesday ............. 10am-5pm
Wednesday ....... 10am-5pm
Thursday ........... 10am-5pm
Friday ................ 10am-5pm
Saturday ............ 10am-4pm
Closed:, Sunday & Monday

King County Coin Club
The King County Coin Club (KCCC) was formed in November 2005 to serve the coin collecting community between Seattle and Tacoma.
The club mission is to provide education and entertainment for its members and visitors alike.
Most meetings follow a regular format- Introductions, news, show and tell, refreshments, a special presentation, an auction and a raffle. We have 3 special meetings a year- a summer Barbeque & Bourse in August, a Holiday Social in December and the Northwest Coin Grading Championship, held in November. Since its inception the club has featured special presentations by noted numismatists of national and local repute.
Club Meetings:
When: 7:00 PM on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Where: Tukwilla Community Center
12424 42nd Ave. S.
Tukwila. WA
Club Mailing Address: Chris Holden
PO Box 8088
Bonney Lake, WA 98391
Email Address: CoolMoneyErrors@yahoo.com
Website: www.KingCountyCoinClub.org