Black Jack's Metal Detectors
Mining Equipment, Low Pressure Dive, & Rock Shop!
Your place for Metal Detecting & Mining Equipment
101 Park Ave N,
Renton, WA. 98057
Store # 425-430-0290
Direct # 253-961-3095
Summer HOURS!
Tuesday ............. 10am-5pm
Wednesday ....... 10am-5pm
Thursday ........... 10am-5pm
Friday ................ 10am-5pm
Saturday ............ 10am-4pm
Closed:, Sunday & Monday
Black Jack's Hunt!
1) Report packets found by calling or sending a text to: 253-961-309
2) Some prizes may need to be claimed at Black Jack's Metal Detectors
3) Take care of this park & remove any trash you find.
OUT Door Theater!
Pirate Captain Black Jack: "Mmmm", JrUNK Pirate Roddie, was found the next morning passed out between the seats of this out door theater. His Booty (LOL or LOOT) is missing. He thinks he buried it some ware between the top steps and the stage.
Got Grass?
Pirate Captain Black Jack:
"ArrrrrG", Pirate Victor Double Eyes, was supposed to buried the treasure in one spot & watch the cove for other pirate ships. Instead was watched the girls on the beach & randomly buried booty while watching ......... any way. Start at the far right by the flowers & Check the grass all the way to the life guard tower.
Left Or RIGhT?
Pirate Captain Black Jack:
"ArrrrrG", At the north end of the park look for an old building like this. I buried Treasure on either the right or left side of this structure.... Not going to tell you. I guess you'll have to figure it out your self.
Ya Scurvy Scallion.
Also Check the Beach in front of this building.
Black Jack's Treasure Hunt
Over 500 Items buried
or scattered in the grass!
~ Some Coins as early as mid 1,800's
Example of What Buried
Packets Look Like.
~ Over 80 Packets Buried.
3 Vines Crossing?
Pirate Captain Black Jack:
"ArrrrrG" Starting from the Out DOOR Theater, find a trail that will take you north and toward the beach. When you come to a four way intersection look for a monument that says "three Vines Crossing" A couple of intersection corners might be worth checking.
Grass Left of Out House
Pirate Captain Black Jack:
"ArrrrrG", At the north end of the park is a Honey Bucket to the right of a walking trail. To the left is a patch of grass that need to be searched ASAP!
OLD Fish Hatchery Building???
Pirate Captain Black Jack:
"ArrrrrG", Start from where this picture was taken and work toward the building around the left side and all around the back.